Error message

  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in _weather_update_places() (line 257 of /var/www/clients/client1/web3/web/sites/all/modules/weather/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in _weather_update_places() (line 257 of /var/www/clients/client1/web3/web/sites/all/modules/weather/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in _weather_update_places() (line 258 of /var/www/clients/client1/web3/web/sites/all/modules/weather/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in _weather_update_places() (line 260 of /var/www/clients/client1/web3/web/sites/all/modules/weather/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in _weather_update_places() (line 264 of /var/www/clients/client1/web3/web/sites/all/modules/weather/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in _weather_parse_forecast() (line 199 of /var/www/clients/client1/web3/web/sites/all/modules/weather/
  • Notice: Trying to get property 'time' of non-object in _weather_parse_forecast() (line 219 of /var/www/clients/client1/web3/web/sites/all/modules/weather/
  • Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in _weather_parse_forecast() (line 219 of /var/www/clients/client1/web3/web/sites/all/modules/weather/

Gala Máxica Internacional / VI Selmana de la Maxa de Xixón

  • Teatru


Xueves, January 5, 2017






Auditoriu del Centru Niemeyer


  • Avilés

Tres l'atayante ésitu de les ediciones anteriores vuelve'l Festival Internacional VI Selmana Máxica de Xixón, so la dirección artística de José Armas “El Ilusionista”. L'actu central va ser la Gran Gala Internacional de Maxa qu'escosó les localidaes nes pasaes ediciones y que va axuntar a dalgún de los meyores magos del mundu.

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